The Office of the Leading Group for Geological Disaster Prevention and Control in Qingyuan County has issued an orange warning for meteorological risks of geological disasters [Level II/Severe]
Od úterý 17:30 (před 11 hodinami)
Až do Dnes 17:30 (za 12 hodin)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

On June 11, 2024, at 17:30, the Qingyuan County Land Defense Office and the Qingyuan County Meteorological Bureau continued to jointly issue an orange warning for geological disaster meteorological risks. From 20:00 on June 11 to 20:00 on June 12, some areas of Qingyuan County had high geological disaster meteorological risks (orange warning). Please closely monitor the rainfall situation, implement 24-hour duty, ensure that relevant personnel are on duty, maintain smooth communication, strengthen inspections and monitoring, and do a good job in geological disaster prevention! Prepare for the transfer of high-risk areas such as risk prevention areas, hidden danger points, and cliffs, and elevate the management of elderly people living alone and disabled individuals. View website:

On June 11, 2024, at 17:30, the Qingyuan County Land Defense Office and the Qingyuan County Meteorological Bureau continued to jointly issue an orange warning for geological disaster meteorological risks. From 20:00 on June 11 to 20:00 on June 12, some areas of Qingyuan County had high geological disaster meteorological risks (orange warning). Please closely monitor the rainfall situation, implement 24-hour duty, ensure that relevant personnel are on duty, maintain smooth communication, strengthen inspections and monitoring, and do a good job in geological disaster prevention! Prepare for the transfer of high-risk areas such as risk prevention areas, hidden danger points, and cliffs, and elevate the management of elderly people living alone and disabled individuals. View website:

Od úterý 17:30 (před 11 hodinami)
Až do Dnes 17:30 (za 12 hodin)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

庆元县地防办、庆元县气象局2024年06月11日17时30分继续联合发布地质灾害气象风险橙色预警:06月11日20时至06月12日20时,庆元县部分地区地质灾害气象风险高(橙色预警)。请各有关部门密切关注降雨情况,落实24小时值班值守,相关人员到岗到位,保持通信联络畅通,加强巡查与监测,做好地质灾害防范工作!对风险防范区、隐患点、临山临崖等高风险区域,做好转移准备,对独居老人、残障人员等提级管理。 查看网址:

庆元县地防办、庆元县气象局2024年06月11日17时30分继续联合发布地质灾害气象风险橙色预警:06月11日20时至06月12日20时,庆元县部分地区地质灾害气象风险高(橙色预警)。请各有关部门密切关注降雨情况,落实24小时值班值守,相关人员到岗到位,保持通信联络畅通,加强巡查与监测,做好地质灾害防范工作!对风险防范区、隐患点、临山临崖等高风险区域,做好转移准备,对独居老人、残障人员等提级管理。 查看网址:

Poslední aktualizace:
Longquan Meteorological Station issued a blue rainstorm warning [Level IV/general]
Od úterý 21:25 (před 7 hodinami)
Až do Pátek 21:25 (za 2 dny)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

At 21:25 on June 11, 2024, Longquan Meteorological Station adjusted the orange warning signal of rainstorm to the blue warning signal of rainstorm: affected by the precipitation cloud cluster, the rainfall in the whole market was 59.1 mm, 58.8 mm in the urban area, 131.7 mm in Taiyuankou Village, the highest road, and 20-130 mm in other stations. It is expected that from tonight until tomorrow, there will still be 20-40 millimeters of precipitation in all towns (streets) in our city, with some areas exceeding 40 millimeters. Due to the large accumulated rainfall in the early stage and high soil moisture saturation, please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as landslides, collapses, and small watershed floods that may be caused by continuous precipitation!


1. The government and relevant departments should pay attention to the dynamics of early warning signals and make emergency preparations for rainstorm prevention; 2. Relevant responsible units shall inspect the drainage system and prepare for drainage in low-lying and easily flooded areas; 3. Timely adjust the arrangement of outdoor collective activities, and outdoor personnel should avoid taking shelter from rain in low-lying areas such as bridge bottoms and culverts that are prone to flooding.

Od úterý 21:25 (před 7 hodinami)
Až do Pátek 21:25 (za 2 dny)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:



1.政府及相关部门关注预警信号动态,做好防御暴雨应急准备工作; 2.相关责任单位检查排水系统,做好低洼易涝区排涝准备; 3.及时调整户外集体活动安排,户外人员避免在桥底、涵洞等低洼易涝区域避雨。

Poslední aktualizace:
Qingyuan County Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning [Level II/serious]
Od úterý 17:20 (před 11 hodinami)
Až do Dnes 17:20 (za 12 hodin)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

At 17:20 on June 11, 2024, Qingyuan County Meteorological Station continued to issue the rainstorm orange warning signal: Affected by the precipitation clouds, since 16:00 on June 10, there has been a general rainstorm to heavy rainstorm in our county. The area rainfall of the whole county is 70.2mm, and there are 23 stations with a total cumulative rainfall of more than 80mm, of which the maximum cumulative rainfall is 117.5mm in Yanglou Village. It is estimated that there will still be 30-50mm precipitation in all towns (streets) of our county, and more than 50mm in some parts, and may be accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall of 20-40mm in hourly rainfall intensity. Please pay attention to prevent secondary disasters such as landslides, collapses, small watershed floods, etc. that may be caused by continuous rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay close attention to the early warning signal dynamics, and do a good job in emergency work against rainstorm according to relevant regulations; 2. Relevant responsible units shall take necessary measures to prevent flooding and take emergency measures such as drainage and diversion according to the situation of water accumulation; 3. Depending on the situation, stop outdoor collective activities and outdoor operations. Units in hazardous areas should take appropriate measures to ensure personnel safety; 4. Reduce unnecessary personal outings; Personnel in high-risk areas such as flash floods and geological hazard risk prevention areas should pay attention to preventing disasters such as flash floods, landslides, and mudslides; Outdoor personnel should stay away from low-lying areas prone to waterlogging, dangerous buildings, road slopes, makeshift sheds, retaining walls, rivers, reservoirs, mountain ponds, and other potentially dangerous areas. Vehicles should try to avoid waterlogged roads and sunken overpasses as much as possible.

Od úterý 17:20 (před 11 hodinami)
Až do Dnes 17:20 (za 12 hodin)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:



1.政府及相关部门密切关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御暴雨应急工作; 2.相关责任单位采取必要的防范水淹措施,根据积水情况采取排涝、引导分流等应急措施; 3.视情况停止户外集体活动和户外作业,处于危险区域的单位应采取适当措施,保障人员安全; 4.减少非必要个人外出;山洪易发区、地质灾害风险防范区等危险区域的人员,注意防范山洪、滑坡、泥石流等灾害;户外人员远离低洼易涝区、危房、道路边坡、简易工棚、挡土墙、河道、水库、山塘等可能发生危险的区域,行驶车辆应尽量绕开积水路段及下沉式立交桥等风险区域。

Poslední aktualizace:

Varování před nepříznivým počasím poskytuje meteoblue více než 80 oficiálních agentur po celém světě. meteoblue nenese žádnou odpovědnost za skutečný obsah nebo povahu varování. Problémy můžete nahlásit prostřednictvím našeho formuláře zpětné vazby a budou předány příslušným instancím.

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