Suichang Meteorological Station issued a yellow rainstorm warning [Level III/heavy]
Od Dnes 13:00 (před 3 hodinami)
Až do Zítra 13:00 (za 20 hodin)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

At 13:00 on June 14, 2024, Suichang Meteorological Station issued a yellow rainstorm warning signal: Affected by strong convective clouds, it is estimated that all towns (streets) in the county will have 30~50mm of precipitation from noon to night today, with local rainfall of more than 60mm, and the maximum hourly rainfall intensity can reach 20~40mm. Please pay attention to prevent secondary disasters such as landslides, landslides, small watershed floods, etc. that may be caused by short-term heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay attention to the early warning signal dynamics in a timely manner, and do a good job in emergency work against rainstorm according to relevant regulations; 2. Relevant responsible units shall take necessary drainage measures according to the situation; 3. Suspend outdoor operations and activities depending on the situation, and outdoor personnel should avoid activities in dangerous areas such as streams, rivers, culverts, and low-lying areas prone to flooding; Vehicles should avoid high-risk areas such as waterlogged roads and sunken overpasses as much as possible, and avoid placing materials and vehicles in low-lying and easily flooded areas.

Od Dnes 13:00 (před 3 hodinami)
Až do Zítra 13:00 (za 20 hodin)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御暴雨应急工作; 2.相关责任单位视情况采取必要的排涝措施; 3.视情况暂停户外作业和活动,户外人员避免在溪流、河道、涵洞、低洼易涝区等危险区域活动;行驶车辆尽量绕开积水路段及下沉式立交桥等风险区域,避免将物资、车辆置于低洼易涝区域。

Poslední aktualizace:
Qujiang District Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning [Level III/Severe]
Od Dnes 16:30 (před 22 minutami)
Až do Zítra 16:30 (za 23 hodin)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

The Qujiang District Meteorological Observatory of Quzhou City issued a yellow lightning warning signal at 16:30 on June 14, 2024: Due to the influence of convective cloud clusters, it is expected that strong lightning activities will occur in all townships (towns, streets) in our district in the next 6 hours, and may be accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall. Please pay attention to preventing adverse effects such as lightning strikes and short-term heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay timely attention to the dynamics of warning signals and carry out emergency defense against lightning in accordance with relevant regulations; 2. Personnel should closely monitor the weather and try to minimize going out.

Od Dnes 16:30 (před 22 minutami)
Až do Zítra 16:30 (za 23 hodin)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御雷电应急工作; 2.人员密切关注天气,尽量减少外出。

Poslední aktualizace:

Varování před nepříznivým počasím poskytuje meteoblue více než 80 oficiálních agentur po celém světě. meteoblue nenese žádnou odpovědnost za skutečný obsah nebo povahu varování. Problémy můžete nahlásit prostřednictvím našeho formuláře zpětné vazby a budou předány příslušným instancím.

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