Xinlong County Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning signal [Level II/severe]
Od Dnes 13:39 (před 4 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

At 21:39 on June 9, 2024, Xinlong Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning signal: the 3-hour rainfall in towns (streets) such as Larima Town, Xinlong County will reach more than 25mm (or the rainfall intensity will reach more than 20mm/hour); Or if the rainfall has reached 25 millimeters or more within 3 hours (or the rainfall intensity has reached 20 millimeters or more per hour) and the rainfall (10 millimeters or more per hour) may continue. Local areas may be accompanied by severe convective weather such as hail, lightning, strong winds, and short-term heavy rainfall. Please effectively prevent the occurrence of geological disasters such as landslides, collapses, mudslides, and flash floods, strengthen monitoring, patrols, and on duty, and take proactive measures to prevent and avoid risks in advance.


1. Enter the state of rainstorm prevention, the government and relevant departments shall pay close attention to the latest news of rainstorm, and do a good job in the emergency work of rainstorm prevention; 2. Pay attention to prevent urban waterlogging, mountain torrents, landslides, collapses, debris flows and other secondary disasters that may be caused by rainstorm; 3. Relevant departments and units shall, according to the rainstorm disaster and road conditions, exercise traffic control over heavy rainfall sections, waterlogged sections, collapsed sections, overtopped roads (bridges) and sunken overpasses to ensure safety; 4. Schools and kindergartens can delay enrollment and take measures to protect the safety of students and young children on campus; 5. Suspend outdoor and underground operations, transfer personnel and residents of dangerous areas such as flood prone construction sites and camps in mountainous areas to safe places to avoid rain, cut off dangerous outdoor power sources, and do a good job in drainage and flood prevention and material transfer in low-lying and easily flooded areas; 6. Drivers should pay attention to road slippage and landslides, try to avoid waterlogged sections, collapsed sections, flooded roads (bridges), and sunken overpasses, avoid crossing flooded roads, and avoid parking vehicles in low-lying areas.

Od Dnes 13:39 (před 4 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:



1.进入暴雨防御状态,政府及有关部门密切关注暴雨最新消息,做好防御暴雨的应急工作; 2.注意防范暴雨可能引发的城市内涝和山洪、滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等次生灾害; 3.有关部门和单位根据暴雨灾害和道路情况,对强降雨路段、积水路段、塌方路段、漫水路(桥)和下沉式立交桥实行交通管制,保障安全; 4.学校、幼儿园可以延迟上学,采取措施保护到校学生、幼儿的安全; 5.暂停户外和井下作业,转移山区涉洪工地营地等危险地带人员和危房居民到安全场所避雨,切断危险的室外电源,做好低洼、易涝地区的排水防涝和物资转移工作; 6.驾驶人员注意路滑和塌方,尽量绕开积水路段、塌方路段、漫水路(桥)和下沉式立交桥,避免穿越水浸道路,避免将车辆停放在低洼区域。

Poslední aktualizace:
Ganzi County Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning signal [Level III/Heavy]
Od Dnes 09:29 (před 8 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

At 17:29 on June 9, 2024, the Ganzi County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal: it is expected that there may be lightning activities in towns such as Kalong Township, Dade Township, Chazha Township, Nike Township, Duoduo Township, Sitongda Township, Xiaxiong Township, Tingka Township, Tuoba Township, Renguo Township, Kazan Township, Xise Township, Zhake Township, Gonglong Township, Shengkang Township, Nanduo Township, Sexi Di Township, Xiala Township, Laima Town, Chalong Town, and Ganzi Town within the next 6 hours, which may cause lightning disasters and accidents. Local areas may be accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy rainfall, hail, and strong winds, and safety precautions need to be taken.


1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in lightning protection work; 2. Pay close attention to weather changes and avoid outdoor activities; 3. Outdoor collective activities and high-altitude outdoor hazardous operations can be suspended; 4. Cut off dangerous power sources, stay away from metal doors and windows, do not use umbrellas in open areas, do not stay or avoid under trees, electric poles, tower cranes, mountaintops, water edges, or open areas, and do not hold metal objects in your hands or carry them on your shoulders; 5. Currently, it is the period of cordyceps harvesting and excavation. Pay attention to taking protective measures to avoid personal injury.

Od Dnes 09:29 (před 8 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:



1.政府及有关部门做好防雷工作; 2.密切关注天气变化,避免户外活动; 3.可以暂停露天集体活动和高空等户外危险作业; 4.切断危险电源,远离金属门窗,在空旷场地不要打伞,不要在树下、电杆下、塔吊下、山顶、水边或空旷地带停留或者躲避,不要将金属物品朝天握在手中或者扛在肩上; 5.目前正值虫草采挖期,注意做好防护措施,避免人身伤亡。

Poslední aktualizace:

Varování před nepříznivým počasím poskytuje meteoblue více než 80 oficiálních agentur po celém světě. meteoblue nenese žádnou odpovědnost za skutečný obsah nebo povahu varování. Problémy můžete nahlásit prostřednictvím našeho formuláře zpětné vazby a budou předány příslušným instancím.

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