Dongxing District Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds [Level III/Heavy]
Od Dnes 14:34 (před 7 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

The Dongxing District Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds at 14:34 on September 20, 2024: Currently, there are gusts of wind above level 8 in Rongchang District. It is expected that thunderstorms and strong winds will occur in the urban area, Shizi Town, Baihe Town, Shunhe Town, Pingping Town, Qimu Town, Tianjia Town, Guobei Town and other towns within 6 hours, with gusts reaching level 8 or above, accompanied by strong lightning and short-term heavy precipitation. Please close the doors and windows, reinforce the scaffolding, billboards, and other structures. Pay attention to road and driving safety, cut off outdoor dangerous power sources, and evacuate personnel and residents in dangerous areas to sheltered places.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay attention to the latest news of thunderstorms and strong winds, and do a good job in defending against strong winds and lightning; 2. Relevant departments and units should pay attention to fire prevention work in forests, grasslands, and other areas; 3. Airports, railways, highways, shipping and other units shall take measures to ensure the safety of transportation, and ships returning to port for shelter shall take measures to prevent them from anchoring, grounding and collision depending on the situation; 4. Outdoor collective activities and dangerous outdoor operations such as high-altitude work can be suspended. Personnel can enter safe places with lightning protection devices, close doors and windows, and take protective measures in outdoor places such as parks, scenic spots, and amusement parks to ensure personnel safety; 5. Cut off outdoor hazardous power sources, do not use umbrellas in open areas, do not stay or hide under trees, poles, tower cranes, mountain tops, water edges or open areas, and do not hold metal objects upside down in your hands or carry them on your shoulders; 6. Properly place outdoor items that are susceptible to strong winds, cover building materials, and take necessary measures as appropriate to ensure the safety of equipment, facilities, and places that are susceptible to lightning strikes.

Od Dnes 14:34 (před 7 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:



1.政府及有关部门关注雷暴大风最新消息,做好防御大风、雷电工作; 2.有关部门和单位注意森林、草原等防火工作; 3.机场、铁路、高速公路、航运等单位采取措施保障交通运输安全,回港避风的船舶视情况采取措施防止船舶走锚、搁浅和碰撞; 4.可以暂停露天集体活动和高空等户外危险作业,人员进入有雷电防护装置的安全场所,关好门窗,公园、景区、游乐场等户外场所做好防护措施,确保人员安全; 5.切断户外危险电源,在空旷场地不要打伞,不要在树下、电杆下、塔吊下、山顶、水边或空旷地带停留或者躲避,不要将金属物品朝天握在手中或者扛在肩上; 6.妥善安置易受大风影响的室外物品,遮盖建筑物资,视情况采取必要措施,保障易受雷击的设备设施和场所的安全。

Poslední aktualizace:

Varování před nepříznivým počasím poskytuje meteoblue více než 80 oficiálních agentur po celém světě. meteoblue nenese žádnou odpovědnost za skutečný obsah nebo povahu varování. Problémy můžete nahlásit prostřednictvím našeho formuláře zpětné vazby a budou předány příslušným instancím.

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