Shangrao City Natural Resources Bureau issues a yellow warning for geological and meteorological risks [Level III/severe]
Od Dnes 10:27 (před 6 hodinami)
Až do Pátek 08:00 (za 1 den)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

The Natural Resources Bureau of Shangrao City and the Meteorological Bureau of Shangrao City jointly issued a yellow warning of meteorological risk of geological disasters at 10:27 on June 19, 2024: it is expected that there will be moderate to heavy rain in the north of our city today, and rainstorm in some areas; The southern region is cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, and some areas may experience heavy rain or short-term heavy rainfall. On the 20th, there will be moderate rain or thunderstorms in the northern part of our city, with heavy rain in some areas; The southern region is mostly cloudy with occasional showers or thunderstorms. According to the actual rainfall situation and rainfall forecast in the early stage, combined with the analysis of geological environment conditions and the regularity of geological disasters over the years, it is estimated that the risk of collapse, landslide and debris flow is high (yellow warning) from 10 o clock on June 19 to 08 o clock on June 21 in the north of Wuyuan County, Hengfeng County, Guangxin District, Yushan County, the northeast of Poyang County, Dexing City, Mount Sanqing and other areas with high vulnerability to geological disasters; In the southern part of Wuyuan County, the northern part of Yiyang County, the eastern part of Yugan County, and most parts of Wannian County, there is a certain risk of small-scale collapse, landslide, and debris flow disasters in geological disaster prone areas and some medium prone areas (blue warning). The Geological Disaster Prevention and Control Professional Committee within the early warning area shall carry out early warning response work in accordance with the requirements of the Emergency Plan for Sudden Geological Hazards in Shangrao City. Discover geological hazards and promptly evacuate personnel; Strict disaster prevention measures should be taken in the areas under construction.


The emergency command agencies for geological disasters at all levels within the early warning zone should carry out early warning response work in accordance with the requirements of the Emergency Plan for Sudden Geological Disasters in Jiangxi Province. In the above-mentioned areas and other areas affected by heavy rainfall, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection, monitoring, and prevention of geological hazard hazards, slope cutting sections for mountainous towns, primary and secondary school campuses, hospitals, and rural housing construction, important engineering facilities, open-pit mines, highways, railways, water conservancy and other engineering slope sections, high and steep slope sections in tourist attractions, and temporary sheds in forest and mining areas; All cities and counties should pay close attention to the latest meteorological early warning, mountain torrent rainstorm early warning and geological disaster meteorological risk early warning information, and timely transmit the early warning information to the threatened objects; Discover geological hazards and promptly evacuate personnel; Strict disaster prevention measures should be taken in the areas under construction.

Od Dnes 10:27 (před 6 hodinami)
Až do Pátek 08:00 (za 1 den)
Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

上饶市自然资源局与上饶市气象局2024年06月19日10时27分联合发布地质灾害气象风险黄色预警:预计,今天我市北部阴有中到大雨,局部地区暴雨;南部阴天多云有阵雨或雷雨,局部地区大雨或短时强降水。20日我市北部阴有中雨或雷雨,局部地区大雨;南部多云间阴,部分地区有阵雨或雷雨。 根据前期降雨实况和降雨量预报,结合地质环境条件和历年地质灾害发生规律分析,预计6月19日10时至6月21日08时:婺源县、横峰县、广信区、玉山县四县(区)北部,鄱阳县东北部,德兴市,三清山等地质灾害高易发区发生崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害的风险较高(黄色预警);婺源县南部,弋阳县北部,余干县东部,万年县大部等地质灾害高易发区和部分中易发区,有出现小型崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害的一定风险(蓝色预警)。预警区内地质灾害防治专业委员会根据《上饶市突发地质灾害应急预案》要求,做好预警响应工作。发现地质灾害危险,及时做好人员撤离工作;正在进行工程建设的地段,应采取严格的防灾措施。



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