Dež - velika ogroženost (Stopnja 3/4) - Slovenija / jugovzhod
De Mañana 02:00 (en 2 horas)
Hasta Mañana 19:59 (en 20 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

Možne so izdatnejše padavine. Količina padavin : od 50 do 75 mm/24h. Vodotoki lahko poplavljajo ob strugah na območju pogostih poplav. Verjetne so motnje v prometu in pri oskrbi z električno energijo in pitno vodo. Možni so zemeljski plazovi.


Iz nižjih prostorov in kleti umaknite hrano, premičnine, dokumente, denar in druge dragocenosti. Izklopite elektriko, plin in vodovod. Ne skušajte prečkati vodnega toka. Bodite previdni pri uživanju hrane in vode. Spremljajte trend vodostaja in meteorološka ter hidrološka obvestila in opozorila ter informacije, ki jih posredujejo pristojne službe in organi.

Severe Rain Warning (Degree 3/4) - Slovenia / South-East
De Mañana 02:00 (en 2 horas)
Hasta Mañana 19:59 (en 20 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

Rainfall : from 50 to 75 mm/24h. Watercourses may flood the exposed parts of agricultural areas, individual roads and parts of settlements. Debris may clog individual objects of water infrastructure and stem the water flow. Landslides are possible. Disturbances in traffic and electricity and drinking water supply are probable, as well.


Before the event: If you live in a flood zone, remove food, movable assets, documents, money and other valuables from lower floors and cellars. During and after the event: Before leaving your home, turn off electricity and shut off gas and water pipes. Do not attempt to cross a watercourse where water reaches up to your knees. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads by car. Do not approach riverbanks. Do not consume fresh food that has been in contact with the floodwater. Do not drink water until notified that it is safe to do so, and especially do not drink well water. Do not use electric installations and appliances that have been flooded. Follow the information broadcast by competent services and bodies.

Última actualización:
Žuto upozorenje za grmljavinsku oluju
De Hoy 18:00 (hace 5 horas)
Hasta Hoy 23:59 (en 59 minutos)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

Mjestimice mogući izraženiji pljuskovi praćeni grmljavinom. vjerojatnost grmljavine 40-60 %


BUDITE NA OPREZU zbog mogućih jačih grmljavinskih nevremena. Posebno pripazite u izloženim područjima kao što su planine, šume i livade odnosno otvoreni tereni. Mogući su prekidi u aktivnostima na otvorenom.

Yellow thunderstorm warning
De Hoy 18:00 (hace 5 horas)
Hasta Hoy 23:59 (en 59 minutos)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

Intense thundershowers locally. lightning risk 40-60 %


STAY ALERT for possible heavy thunderstorms. Be especially careful in high-exposure areas such as mountains, forests, meadows and open grounds. Interruptions in outdoor activities are possible.

Última actualización:
Žuto upozorenje za grmljavinsku oluju
De Mañana 00:01 (en 1 hora)
Hasta Mañana 23:59 (en 1 día)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

Mjestimice izraženi pljuskovi s grmljavinom, moguća je tuča, u noći te ponovno poslijepodne. vjerojatnost grmljavine > 60 %


BUDITE NA OPREZU zbog mogućih jačih grmljavinskih nevremena. Posebno pripazite u izloženim područjima kao što su planine, šume i livade odnosno otvoreni tereni. Mogući su prekidi u aktivnostima na otvorenom.

Yellow thunderstorm warning
De Mañana 00:01 (en 1 hora)
Hasta Mañana 23:59 (en 1 día)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

Severe thundershowers possible locally, especially during the night and again in the afternoon. lightning risk > 60 %


STAY ALERT for possible heavy thunderstorms. Be especially careful in high-exposure areas such as mountains, forests, meadows and open grounds. Interruptions in outdoor activities are possible.

Última actualización:
Nevihte - velika ogroženost (Stopnja 3/4) - Slovenija / jugovzhod
De Hoy 20:00 (hace 3 horas)
Hasta Mañana 19:59 (en 20 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

Možne so močnejše krajevne nevihte. Lokalno močnejši nalivi s točo, močnejši piš vetra in udari strel. Toča lahko poškoduje posevke. Ob hudourniških vodotokih so možne poplave. Udari strel lahko zanetijo požare.


Počakajte na varnem mestu v zgradbi, na prostem poiščite zavetje v zgradbah ali v vozilu. Med nevihto se ne zadržujte pod drevesi ali daljnovodi, udar strele je smrtno nevaren! Ne zadržujte se v bližini hudourniških vodotokov. Ne parkirajte pod drevesi.

Severe Thunderstorms Warning (Degree 3/4) - Slovenia / South-East
De Hoy 20:00 (hace 3 horas)
Hasta Mañana 19:59 (en 20 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

Heavy thunderstorms are possible, accompanied by local intense precipitation, hail and gusty winds. Intense local showers with hail, intense wind blasts and lightning strikes. Hail can damage crops; rain showers can cause the rising of torrential watercourses and rainwater floods. Lightning strikes may start fires. Disturbances in traffic and outdoor activities are possible.


Beware of approaching storm clouds. Wait on a safe spot inside a building; if a thunderstorm catches you in the open, find shelter in a building or vehicle. Do not carry metallic objects in the open. Do not linger under trees or power lines during a thunderstorm; lightning strike can be deadly! If possible, move vehicles into a garage in good time. Do not park under trees; a blast of wind can break branches or uproot a tree. Do not linger in the vicinity of torrential watercourses.

Última actualización:

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