Datong County Meteorological Observatory issues orange hail warning signal
De Hoy 14:48 (hace 6 horas)
Hasta Mañana 14:48 (en 17 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

At 14:45 on September 22, Datong County Meteorological Observatory issued an orange hail warning signal: Due to the influence of strong convection, it is expected that there will be hail weather in Qiaotou Town, Huangjiazhai Town, Jingyang Town, and Changning Town of Datong County from 14:45 to 20:45 on September 22, which may cause hail disasters and may be accompanied by strong convective weather such as lightning, strong winds, and short-term heavy precipitation in some areas. Please prepare relevant units and personnel for prevention. Defense guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments should carry out emergency work to prevent hail according to their responsibilities; 2. The artificial hail suppression operation unit shall prepare for the artificial hail suppression operation and carry out the operation at an appropriate time; 3. Outdoor pedestrians should immediately take shelter in a safe place; 4. Pay attention to defending against lightning disasters accompanied by hail weather.

De Hoy 14:48 (hace 6 horas)
Hasta Mañana 14:48 (en 17 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

大通县气象台9月22日14时45分发布冰雹橙色预警信号:受强对流影响,预计9月22日14时45分至20时45分大通县桥头镇、黄家寨镇、景阳镇、长宁镇将出现冰雹天气,并可能造成雹灾,局地可能伴有雷电、大风、短时强降水等强对流天气。请有关单位和人员做好防范准备。 防御指南: 1.政府及有关部门按照职责做好防冰雹的应急工作; 2.人工防雹作业单位做好人工消雹的作业准备并择机进行作业; 3.户外行人立即到安全的地方暂避; 4.注意防御冰雹天气伴随的雷电灾害。

Última actualización:
Datong County Meteorological Observatory issues yellow lightning warning signal
De Hoy 13:11 (hace 7 horas)
Hasta Mañana 13:11 (en 16 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

The Datong County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal at 13:10 on September 22: It is expected that lightning activity may occur in the Datong area from 13:10 to 19:10 on September 22, which may cause lightning disasters. Local areas may be accompanied by strong convective weather such as strong winds, short-term heavy precipitation, hail, etc. Relevant units and personnel are requested to be prepared for prevention. Defense Guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments shall carry out lightning protection work in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Stop outdoor activities such as hiking, and suspend outdoor facilities in parks, amusement parks, and other outdoor places; 3. Personnel who are already outdoors should stay away from large trees, corners of walls, or areas with protruding metal objects. They should not stay on mountaintops, ridges, rooftops, waterfront areas, or open spaces. They should not use mobile phones and should not hold metal objects upside down in their hands or carry them on their shoulders.

De Hoy 13:11 (hace 7 horas)
Hasta Mañana 13:11 (en 16 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

大通县气象台9月22日13时10分发布雷电黄色预警信号:预计9月22日13时10分至19时10分大通地区可能发生雷电活动,有可能会造成雷电灾害,局地可能伴有大风、短时强降水、冰雹等强对流天气,请有关单位和人员做好防范准备。防御指南: 1.政府及有关部门按照职责做好防雷工作; 2.停止登山等户外活动,公园、游乐场等露天场所停运户外设施; 3.已经在户外的人员要远离大树、墙角或有突出金属物的地方,不要停留在山顶、山脊、楼顶、水边或空旷地带,不宜使用手机,不要将金属物品朝天握在手中或扛在肩上。

Última actualización:
Datong County Natural Resources Bureau and Datong County Meteorological Bureau jointly issue a red warning for geological hazards and meteorological risks
De Hoy 09:48 (hace 11 horas)
Hasta Mañana 09:00 (en 12 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

The Natural Resources Bureau of Datong County and the Meteorological Bureau of Datong County jointly issued a geological hazard meteorological risk warning: based on the precipitation situation in the past 48 hours and the precipitation forecast in the next 24 hours, combined with the susceptibility of geological hazards, it is expected that the geological hazard meteorological risk warning level of Datong County will be Level I (red warning) from 9:00 on September 22 to 9:00 on September 23, 2024, indicating a high risk of geological hazards caused by meteorological factors. Since August 31st, the precipitation areas have been highly overlapping, with high soil moisture content, posing a high risk of exacerbating or triggering geological disasters. Please closely monitor the precipitation situation in conjunction with warning information, and continue to do a good job in preventing geological disasters such as hidden danger points and the evacuation of threatened populations within risk areas! Defense Guide: 1. The recent continuous heavy rainfall has caused the soil of the mountain to become saturated, making it prone to geological disasters such as landslides and collapses. Please ensure that all townships and relevant departments carry out geological disaster prevention work in accordance with emergency plans. 2. Please pay attention to the meteorological risk warning information of geological disasters in a timely manner and travel to the geological disaster warning area with caution. 3. For geological hazard hidden points, risk areas, and personnel near slopes, cliffs, ditches, and water in each township, please evacuate immediately to nearby shelters according to the township organization, and resolutely prevent transferred personnel from returning to the danger zone without authorization.

De Hoy 09:48 (hace 11 horas)
Hasta Mañana 09:00 (en 12 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

大通县自然资源局与大通县气象局联合发布地质灾害气象风险预警:根据过去48小时降水实况和未来24小时降水预报,结合地质灾害易发程度,预计2024年9月22日09时至23日09时,大通县地质灾害气象风险预警等级为Ⅰ级(红色预警),气象因素致地质灾害发生风险很高。自8月31日以来降水落区高度重叠,土壤含水率高,加剧或诱发地质灾害的风险很高,请结合预警信息,密切关注降水情况,继续做好隐患点和风险区内受威胁群众避险转移等地质灾害防范工作! 防御指南: 1.近期连续强降雨使山体土壤趋于饱和,易发生滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害,请各乡镇及有关部门按照应急预案做好地质灾害防御工作。 2.请社会公众及时关注地质灾害气象风险预警信息,谨慎前往地质灾害预警区域。 3.各乡镇地质灾害隐患点、风险区及临坡临崖临沟临水人员,请按照乡镇组织立即撤离前往附近避险安置点,坚决杜绝已转移人员擅自返回危险区。

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