Jiangshan Meteorological Station issued a yellow rainstorm warning [Level III/heavy]
De Hoy 08:45 (hace 3 horas)
Hasta Mañana 08:45 (en 20 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

At 08:45 on June 10, 2024, Jiangshan Meteorological Station upgraded the blue warning signal of rainstorm to the yellow warning signal of rainstorm: affected by the precipitation cloud cluster, at present, more than 40mm precipitation has occurred in the central and northern townships (towns and streets) of our city for 3 hours, and it is expected that more than 40mm precipitation will still occur in all townships (towns and streets) of our city in the next 12 hours. Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as urban waterlogging, mudslides, landslides, and small watershed floods that may be caused by short-term heavy rainfall.

De Hoy 08:45 (hace 3 horas)
Hasta Mañana 08:45 (en 20 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:


Última actualización:
Jiangshan Natural Resources and Planning Bureau issues a yellow warning for geological and meteorological risks [Level III/severe]
De Domingo 17:35 (hace 18 horas)
Hasta Hoy 17:35 (en 5 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

On June 9, 2024 at 17:35, the Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Jiangshan City and the Meteorological Bureau of Jiangshan City jointly issued a yellow warning for geological disaster meteorological risk: it is expected that in the next 24 hours, the meteorological risk of geological disasters in our city will be relatively high (yellow warning). It is expected that there will be showers or thunderstorms from this evening to tomorrow in our city, with moderate to heavy rainfall and partial rainstorm. The day after tomorrow will be cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, and some rainfall will be moderate to heavy. Please closely monitor the rainfall situation and take measures to prevent geological disasters.

De Domingo 17:35 (hace 18 horas)
Hasta Hoy 17:35 (en 5 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:


Última actualización:
Yushan Meteorological Station updates rainstorm yellow warning signal [Level III/heavy]
De Hoy 11:09 (hace 36 minutos)
Hasta Hoy 20:09 (en 8 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:

The meteorological observatory of Yushan County will change the yellow warning signal of rainstorm at 11:09 on June 10, 2024: It is estimated that in the next six hours, the precipitation in some areas of Bim Town, Bingxi Street, Hengjie Town, Huaiyu Township, Linhu Town, Liudu Township, Nanshan Township, Shuangming Town, Siguqiao Township, Wencheng Street, Xiatang Township, Xiazhen Town, Xianyan Town, Yanrui Town, Zhangcun Town and Zihu Town will reach more than 50 mm, accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunder and lightning and other severe convective weather. Please pay attention to prevent urban and rural waterlogging, small and medium-sized river floods, mountain floods and geological disasters that may be caused by heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in preventing rainstorm according to their responsibilities; 2. The traffic management department should take traffic control measures in heavy rainfall sections based on road conditions, and implement traffic guidance in waterlogged sections; 3. Cut off hazardous outdoor power sources in low-lying areas, suspend outdoor operations in open areas, and transfer personnel and residents of dangerous buildings to safe places to avoid rain; 4. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmland, and fish ponds, and take necessary drainage measures.

De Hoy 11:09 (hace 36 minutos)
Hasta Hoy 20:09 (en 8 horas)
Explicaciones oficiales de avisos:




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