Heavy Rain
Od Subotu 18:00 (prije 22 sata)
Do Danas 18:23 (za 1 sat)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

The rather strong monsoon through lies across the North and the upper Northeast with the rather strong southwest monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea, the South, the East and the Gulf. Meanwhile, the low pressure cell covers the upper Northeast. Continuous rain with isolated heavy rain are lilkely in the whole country and very heavy rain in some places of the lower North, the western portion of the Northeast, the upper Central and the East. The rather strong winds force the waves in the Andaman Sea and the upper Gulf up to 2-3 meters high and above 3 meters high in thundershowers. In the lower Gulf, the waves have about 2 meters high and above 2 meters high in thundershowers and offshore.


People in these areas should beware of heavy to very heavy rains and accumulation that may cause flash floods and overflows, especially along foothills near waterways and lowlands. All ships should proceed with caution and keep off thundershower, small boats in the Andaman Sea and the upper Gulf keep ashore.

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