Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal was issued at 11:10 a.m. on 24 September
Od Danas 11:10 (prije 1 sat)
Do daljnjeg
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

The Rainstorm Warning Signal is now Amber. This means that heavy rain has fallen or is expected to fall generally over Hong Kong, exceeding 30 millimetres in an hour, and is likely to continue.


There will be flooding in some low-lying and poorly drained areas. People who are likely to be affected should take necessary precautions to reduce their exposure to risk posed by the heavy rain and flooding. Heavy rain may bring about flash floods. People should stay away from watercourses. People who are likely to be affected by flooding should take necessary precautions to avoid losses. Please listen to radio or watch television for traffic conditions and further announcements on the rainstorm.

Od Danas 11:10 (prije 1 sat)
Do daljnjeg
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:



一些低窪地帶及排水欠佳的地區會出現水淹。可能受大雨及水浸影響之市民應採取適當的預防措施,以防止可能引致的損失。 大雨可能引致山洪暴發,市民應遠離河道。可能受河道氾濫影響之市民應採取適當的預防措施,以避免損失。 請留意電台或電視台廣播有關交通情況及其他有關暴雨消息之報告。

Posljednje ažuriranje:
Thunderstorm Warning issued at 7:15 a.m. on 24 Sep 2024 has been extended until 1:30 p.m. today.
Od Danas 11:15 (prije 56 minuta)
Do Danas 13:30 (za 1 sat)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

A few squally thunderstorms are expected to occur over Hong Kong.


Members of the public are advised to take the following precautions when thunderstorms occur: 1. Seek safe shelter if you are staying outdoors. 2. Leave the water. Do not swim outdoors or engage in other outdoor water sports. 3. Do not stand on high grounds. Keep away from highly conductive objects, trees or masts.

Od Danas 11:15 (prije 56 minuta)
Do Danas 13:30 (za 1 sat)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:



雷暴發生時,請採取以下預防措施: 1. 如身處室外,請到安全地方躲避。 2. 離開水面。切勿在戶外游泳或進行其他戶外水上運動。 3. 切勿站立於高地或接近導電的物體、樹木或桅杆。

Posljednje ažuriranje:
Rainstorm yellow warning [Level III/heavy] issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory
Od Ponedjeljak 17:14 (prije 18 sati)
Do daljnjeg
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

[rainstorm Yellow Rainstorm Warning Signal] It is estimated that 30-50 mm precipitation will occur in the whole city within 3-6 hours. At 17:15 on September 23, 2024, the rainstorm yellow warning signal will be issued by the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory in the whole city, and the whole city will enter the rainstorm alert state. There is a risk of mountain torrents. Please pay attention to the prevention of local waterlogging, mountain torrents and other disasters that may be caused by rainstorm.

Od Ponedjeljak 17:14 (prije 18 sati)
Do daljnjeg
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:


Posljednje ažuriranje:
Rainstorm yellow warning [Level III/heavy] issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory
Od Danas 04:35 (prije 7 sati)
Do daljnjeg
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

[rainstorm Yellow Rainstorm Warning Signal] In the past three hours, moderate to heavy rain has occurred in our city, and it is expected that 20-40mm precipitation will occur in the next three hours. The rainstorm yellow warning signal will be issued by the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory at 04:35 on September 24, 2024, and the city will enter the rainstorm alert state. There is a risk of mountain torrents. Please pay attention to the prevention of local waterlogging, mountain torrents and other disasters that may be caused by rainstorm.

Od Danas 04:35 (prije 7 sati)
Do daljnjeg
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:


Posljednje ažuriranje:

Više od 80 službenih agencija diljem svijeta daje meteoblueu upozorenja o teškim vremenskim prilikama. meteoblue ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost u pogledu stvarnog sadržaja ili prirode upozorenja. Problemi se mogu prijaviti putem našeg obrasca za povratne informacije i bit će proslijeđeni odgovarajućim instancama.

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