Thunderstorm Warning was issued at 3:49 a.m. on 23 Jun 2024. It will be valid until 5:00 a.m. today.
Ettől Mai nap 03:49 (55 perce)
Amíg Mai nap 05:00 (15 perc múlva)
Hivatalos figyelmeztető magyarázatok:

Isolated thunderstorms are expected to occur over Lantau, New Territories West.


Members of the public are advised to take the following precautions when thunderstorms occur: 1. Seek safe shelter if you are staying outdoors. 2. Leave the water. Do not swim outdoors or engage in other outdoor water sports. 3. Do not stand on high grounds. Keep away from highly conductive objects, trees or masts.

Ettől Mai nap 03:49 (55 perce)
Amíg Mai nap 05:00 (15 perc múlva)
Hivatalos figyelmeztető magyarázatok:



雷暴發生時,請採取以下預防措施: 1. 如身處室外,請到安全地方躲避。 2. 離開水面。切勿在戶外游泳或進行其他戶外水上運動。 3. 切勿站立於高地或接近導電的物體、樹木或桅杆。

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Very Hot Weather Warning was updated at 4:20 p.m. on 22 June
Ettől Szombat 16:20 (12 órája)
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Hivatalos figyelmeztető magyarázatok:

Under the influence of prolonged heat, members of the public should stay on the alert to prevent heat stroke or other discomforts related to very hot weather and pay due attention to health conditions. If symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath or confusion develop, take rest and seek help immediately, and seek medical advice as soon as possible.


Elderly persons, pregnant women, infants and children, those with chronic illnesses, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, as well as the obese are more vulnerable to heat stroke. Watch out for any symptoms of heat stroke. When engaged in work under hot weather or high-temperature environments, please refer to the Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work of the Labour Department and take necessary precautions. When engaged in outdoor activities, drink more water and avoid over exertion. If not feeling well, take a rest in the shade or cooler place as soon as possible. Perform outdoor activities in the morning or late afternoon. During indoor activities, replenish water timely. If there is no air-conditioning, then windows should be kept open and fans be used as far as possible to maintain adequate indoor ventilation. Public facilities with heat sheltering may also be used. Avoid prolonged exposure under sunlight. Light-coloured and air-permeable clothing, wide-brimmed hats and ultraviolet (UV) blocking sunglasses can reduce the chance of sunburn by solar UV radiation. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion of at least Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 15 (ideally higher) and reapply every two hours if you stay out in the sun, or after swimming, sweating, or towelling off. Beware of health and wellbeing of elderly or persons with chronic medical conditions. If you know of them, call or visit them occasionally and check whether their household ventilation and air-conditioning devices function properly. Those more vulnerable to heat stroke should avoid outdoor activities and stay away from hot environment as far as possible. Stay in cool, well-ventilated or air-conditioned places.

Ettől Szombat 16:20 (12 órája)
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Hivatalos figyelmeztető magyarázatok:



長者、孕婦、嬰兒及小童、慢性病如心臟病或高血壓患者,以及過胖人士均較易中暑,應及時觀察是否出現中暑徵兆。 在炎熱天氣下或高溫環境中工作的人士,請參照勞工處的預防工作時中暑指引,採取所需的防暑措施。 在戶外活動的人士,應多補充水分和不要過度勞累。於感覺不適時,應儘快到陰涼的地方休息。戶外活動宜安排在早上或下午較後的時間進行。 在室內活動時,亦應適時補充水分。如室內沒有空調設備,應儘量打開窗戶及以風扇保持空氣流通,亦可使用可供避暑的公共設施。 避免長時間在陽光下曝曬,以免受太陽紫外線曬傷。應穿上淺色和通爽衣服以及配戴濶邊帽子和能阻隔紫外線的太陽眼鏡。 多塗防曬系數最少為15(理想情況下更高)的廣譜防曬液,並在陽光下停留超過每兩小時,或在游泳、流汗或以毛巾抹身後,再次塗上防曬液。 請關注長者或慢性病患者的健康狀況。如認識他們,請間中致電或探訪他們,並留意他們住所的通風及空氣調節設備是否運作正常。 較易中暑人士應儘量避免戶外活動,遠離高溫環境,到陰涼、通風或有空氣調節的地方。

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Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning [Level III/Severe]
Ettől Mai nap 00:54 (3 órája)
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Hivatalos figyelmeztető magyarázatok:

The Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal for the entire city at 00:51 on June 23, 2024. It is expected that the city will be affected by lightning within 2 hours, with some areas experiencing short-term thunderstorms. Citizens stay in safe places.

Ettől Mai nap 00:54 (3 órája)
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Hivatalos figyelmeztető magyarázatok:


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A meteoblue-nak világszerte több mint 80 hivatalos ügynökség küld viharjelzéseket. A meteoblue nem vállal felelősséget a figyelmeztetések tényleges tartalmáért vagy jellegéért. A problémákat a Visszajelzési űrlapon keresztül lehet jelenteni, és azokat továbbítjuk a megfelelő szerveknek.

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