Current Weather now with satellite and radar - worldwide

Current Weather - the “reality check" - now shows real-time animations of satellite and radar for every place in the world - even on oceans and in deserts.

(Illustration above: observed temperatures over North America, 10.06.2021)

In March 2021, our Current Weather page received the Sun Elevation diagram and METAR display (see past news). Three months later, we have added further major upgrades:

  • highest resolution satellite view with animation option - now available worldwide even on oceans and in deserts. (Illustration below: a satellite view of Europe, 10. 06. 2021)
  • high resolution radar view display - also worldwide and with animation option; (Illustration below: radar and precipitation nowcast of Central Europe, 10. 06. 2021)
  • in the satellite viewer window, you can now switch between the satellite per se, observed temperatures, and observed precipitation - for any place in the world;
  • maps of observed temperatures and observed precipitation reach 3 days backwards! (Illustration below: observed precipitation in the around Basel, Switzerland, 09. 06. 2021)

  • for point+ users, the satellite and radar viewer reaches 24 hours backwards in 15 minute steps.
  • on smaller screens (such as on mobile devices, tablets etc.), the menu will automatically hide in order to increase the space available on the screen and thus improve the user experience;

We hope you like our additions, and as always, appreciate your feedback here, or via facebook, twitter, instagram or LinkedIn.

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