meteoblue app successfully tested by external media

In the last few weeks, different newspapers considered the meteoblue app in several weather app checks.

One newspaper ranked the meteoblue app as a “universal” app with 8 out of 10 points. Our forecast data quality, usability and global location search were especially highlighted, as well as our MultiModel meteogram that compares various raw weather models in a straightforward chart. The newspaper summarised that the meteoblue can be used in all situations of life - in the mountains or on the sea.

Another magazine ranked our app as “very good” by analysing the forecast data accuracy and usability.

We are now working on improving the negative points to further improve, and be prepared for the next app provider comparison. We already started re-designing our meteograms, which will become available soon. In addition, we added heat maps for 80 cities to the app that show small-scale temperature differences in the city. You can activate them in the app settings, and whenever a location is chosen for which a heat map is available, it will be displayed on the app's main page.

We appreciate your feedback, and a rating in the App or Play Store.

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