The meteorological station of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture issued a blue rainstorm warning [Level IV/general]
Od Dnes 17:17 (pred 1 hodinou)
Až do ďalšieho oznámenia
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

At 17:17 on June 15, 2024, Ganzi Prefecture Meteorological Station issued a blue rainstorm warning: it is expected that there will be rainstorm in Yajiang, Litang and Kangding, and moderate to heavy rain in Daofu, Jiulong, Daocheng and Hailuogou from this afternoon to tomorrow. All levels and relevant departments are requested to strengthen the prevention of geological disasters such as flash floods, mudslides, and landslides, strengthen monitoring, inspection, and duty work, and take proactive measures to prevent and avoid risks in advance.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for rainstorm prevention; 2. Strengthen traffic management on sections with heavy rainfall and waterlogging to ensure safety; 3. Cut off the dangerous outdoor power supply in low-lying areas, suspend outdoor operations in open areas, transfer personnel and residents of dangerous areas to safe places for shelter from rain, and transfer materials from low-lying areas; 4. Check the drainage system of towns and dams, take necessary drainage measures, and ensure that the reservoir maintains a safe water level; 5. Drivers should pay attention to waterlogged roads and landslides to ensure driving safety; 6. Pay attention to the hazards caused by short-term heavy rainfall and debris flows in areas prone to geological disasters.

Od Dnes 17:17 (pred 1 hodinou)
Až do ďalšieho oznámenia
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:



1.政府及有关部门做好防御暴雨的准备工作; 2.强降雨路段和积水路段加强交通管理,保障安全; 3.切断低洼地带危险的室外电源,暂停在空旷地方的户外作业,转移危险地带人员和危房居民到安全场所避雨,转移低洼场所物资; 4.检查城镇、堤坝的排水系统,采取必要排涝措施,确保水库保持安全水位; 5.驾驶人员注意积水道路和塌方,确保行车安全; 6.地质灾害易发区注意短时强降水、泥石流带来的危害。

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