Weather Advisory
Od Piatok 00:00 (pred 1 dňom)
Až do Dnes 23:59 (o 12 hodín)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

Loss of vulnerable small livestock and crops. Cold related illness. Difficult driving conditions due to strong winds. Significant damage to settlements and temporary structures due to strong winds.


The public and farmers are advised to take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and health of their animals; the public is advise to keep warm and avoid prolonged exposure to the cold. Homeless people should be sheltered. Reduce speed and drive safely. Any sign of fire should be reported to the relevant authorities.

Posledná aktualizácia:
Jazyk: en-EN
Disruptive Snow
Od Piatok 13:02 (pred 22 hodín)
Až do Dnes 14:59 (o 3 hodiny)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

-Light snow leading to icy roads and railway lines resulting in traffic disruptions -Isolated loss of vulnerable livestock and crops. -Snow on the mountain peaks. -Non-major passes closed for a short period


Small stock farmers are encouraged to shelter animals and pets. Dress warmly and stay as dry as possible. Put out candles and fires that can spread out before going to sleep to avoid a fire. Make contact with your closest disaster manager or community leader and keep listening to the radio for updates.

Posledná aktualizácia:
Jazyk: en-EN
Disruptive Snow
Od Piatok 13:03 (pred 22 hodín)
Až do Dnes 14:59 (o 3 hodiny)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

-Light snow leading to icy roads and railway lines resulting in traffic disruptions -Isolated loss of vulnerable livestock and crops. -Snow on the mountain peaks. -Non-major passes closed for a short period


Small stock farmers are encouraged to shelter animals and pets. Dress warmly and stay as dry as possible. Put out candles and fires that can spread out before going to sleep to avoid a fire. Make contact with your closest disaster manager or community leader and keep listening to the radio for updates.

Posledná aktualizácia:
Jazyk: en-EN
Disruptive Snow
Od Piatok 08:00 (pred 1 dňom)
Až do Dnes 23:59 (o 12 hodín)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

-Light snow leading to icy roads and railway lines resulting in traffic disruptions -Isolated loss of vulnerable livestock and crops. -Snow on the mountain peaks. -Non-major passes closed for a short period


Small stock farmers are encouraged to shelter animals and pets. Dress warmly and stay as dry as possible. Put out candles and fires that can spread out before going to sleep to avoid a fire. Make contact with your closest disaster manager or community leader and keep listening to the radio for updates.

Posledná aktualizácia:
Jazyk: en-EN
Weather Advisory
Od Piatok 00:00 (pred 1 dňom)
Až do Dnes 23:59 (o 12 hodín)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

Loss of vulnerable small livestock and crops. Cold related illness. Difficult driving conditions due to strong winds. Significant damage to settlements and temporary structures due to strong winds.


The public and farmers are advised to take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and health of their animals; the public is advise to keep warm and avoid prolonged exposure to the cold. Homeless people should be sheltered. Reduce speed and drive safely. Any sign of fire should be reported to the relevant authorities.

Posledná aktualizácia:
Jazyk: en-EN
Weather Advisory
Od Piatok 12:00 (pred 23 hodín)
Až do Dnes 23:59 (o 12 hodín)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

Loss of vulnerable small livestock and crops. Cold related illness. Difficult driving conditions due to strong winds. Significant damage to settlements and temporary structures due to strong winds.


The public and farmers are advised to take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and health of their animals; the public is advise to keep warm and avoid prolonged exposure to the cold. Homeless people should be sheltered. Reduce speed and drive safely. Any sign of fire should be reported to the relevant authorities.

Posledná aktualizácia:
Jazyk: en-EN
Weather Advisory
Od Piatok 12:00 (pred 23 hodín)
Až do Dnes 23:59 (o 12 hodín)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

Loss of vulnerable small livestock and crops. Cold related illness. Difficult driving conditions due to strong winds. Significant damage to settlements and temporary structures due to strong winds.


The public and farmers are advised to take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and health of their animals; the public is advise to keep warm and avoid prolonged exposure to the cold. Homeless people should be sheltered. Reduce speed and drive safely. Any sign of fire should be reported to the relevant authorities.

Posledná aktualizácia:
Jazyk: en-EN

Varovania pred nepriaznivým počasím poskytuje meteoblue viac ako 80 oficiálnych agentúr po celom svete. meteoblue nenesie žiadnu zodpovednosť za skutočný obsah alebo povahu varovaní. Problémy môžete nahlásiť prostredníctvom nášho formulára spätnej väzby a budú postúpené príslušným inštanciám.

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