Heavy rainfall
Od Nedeľa 17:00 (pred 4 dňami)
Až do Zajtra 18:00 (o 22 hodín)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

Heavy rainfall of more than 30mm in 24hrs pounding several parts of the Lake Victoria Basin, the Rift Valley, Highlands West and East of the Rift Valley including Nairobi area is expected to continue from 19th May, 2024. The heavy rainfall is predicted to intensify to more than 40mm in 24hrs over the Rift Valley, Highlands West and East of the Rift Valley including Nairobi area, Lake Victoria Basin and off coast on 20th to 21th May, 2024. It is likely to reduce in intensity on 22nd May 2024 inland but intensify along the coast from 22nd to 24th May.


Residents in all the mentioned areas are advised to be on the lookout for potential floods, flash floods and poor visibility.The water levels in rivers, lakes and dams are expected to remain high. Residents are advised to avoid driving through, or walking in moving water or open fields and not to shelter under trees and near grilled windows to minimize exposure to lightning strikes. People in landslide prone areas especially over hilly areas should be vigilant.

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Jazyk: en

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