Yongkang Meteorological Station issued a blue rainstorm warning [Level IV/general]
Od Sobota 10:05 (pred 16 hodín)
Až do Dnes 10:05 (o 7 hodín)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

At 10:05 on June 1, 2024, Yongkang Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for rainstorm: Affected by the peripheral circulation of typhoon "Maris" and the eastward movement of the westerly trough, moderate to heavy rain has fallen in our city in the past 12 hours, and 43.2mm precipitation has occurred at Yaotang Station in Shizhu Town. It is expected that the rain in our city will continue in the next 12 hours. The accumulated rainfall in towns (streets and districts) such as Jiangnan, Xicheng, Dongcheng, Shizhu, Qiancang, Zhoushan, Fangyan will reach more than 50mm. Please pay attention to preventing mountain torrents, debris flows, urban and rural waterlogging and other secondary disasters that may be caused by short-term heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay attention to the dynamics of early warning signals and make emergency preparations for rainstorm prevention; 2. Relevant responsible units shall inspect the drainage system and prepare for drainage in low-lying and easily flooded areas; 3. Timely adjust the arrangement of outdoor collective activities, and outdoor personnel should avoid taking shelter from rain in low-lying areas such as bridge bottoms and culverts that are prone to flooding.

Od Sobota 10:05 (pred 16 hodín)
Až do Dnes 10:05 (o 7 hodín)
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:



1.政府及相关部门关注预警信号动态,做好防御暴雨应急准备工作; 2.相关责任单位检查排水系统,做好低洼易涝区排涝准备; 3.及时调整户外集体活动安排,户外人员避免在桥底、涵洞等低洼易涝区域避雨。

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