Rainstorm yellow warning [Level III/heavy] issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory
Od Dnes 12:43 (před 4 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

[rainstorm Yellow Warning Signal in Shenzhen District] It is expected that 30-50 mm precipitation will occur in Dapeng New Area, Dapeng Bay and Daya Bay within 6 hours. The rainstorm yellow warning signal will be issued by the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory at 12:40 on June 15, 2024 in the above areas, and the city will be on rainstorm alert. The above areas are at risk of mountain torrents. Please pay attention to the prevention of local waterlogging, mountain torrents and other disasters that may be caused by rainstorm.

Od Dnes 12:43 (před 4 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:


Poslední aktualizace:
Rainstorm yellow warning [Level III/heavy] issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory
Od Dnes 13:22 (před 3 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

[rainstorm yellow rainstorm warning signal extended to the whole city] It is expected that 30-50 mm precipitation will occur within 2-3 hours in the whole city. At 13:20 on June 15, 2024, the rainstorm yellow warning signal will be extended to the whole city, and the whole city will be on rainstorm alert. The above areas are at risk of mountain torrents. Please pay attention to the prevention of local waterlogging, mountain torrents and other disasters that may be caused by rainstorm.

Od Dnes 13:22 (před 3 hodinami)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:


Poslední aktualizace:
Rainstorm orange warning issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory [Level II/serious]
Od Dnes 14:50 (před 1 hodinou)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:

[The yellow warning signal of rainstorm in Shenzhen district has been upgraded to orange] In the past three hours, the accumulated rainfall in Luohu District, Nanshan District, Futian District, Yantian District, Dapeng New Area, the Pearl River Estuary, Shenzhen Bay, Dapeng Bay, Daya Bay and Bao an District (Xixiang, Xin an Street) has reached rainstorm, and the predicted heavy rainfall will last for another 2-3 hours. The rainstorm orange warning signal will be issued by the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory at 14:46 on June 15, 2024, and the city will enter the state of rainstorm prevention. The mountain torrents in the above areas are relatively risky. Please stay away from low-lying and waterlogging prone areas, and pay attention to the prevention of local areas that can be caused by rainstorm Waterlogging, mountain torrents, landslides, debris flows and other disasters.

Od Dnes 14:50 (před 1 hodinou)
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Oficiální vysvětlení varování:


Poslední aktualizace:

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