Gele waarschuwing voor regen in België - Namen
From Today 08:00 (7 hours ago)
Until Tomorrow 09:00 (17 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Er wordt veel regen verwacht: ofwel 10 t.e.m. 30 l/m² in 1 uur, of 20 t.e.m. 40 l/m² in 6 uur, of 25 t.e.m. 50 l/m² in 24 uur. Wees waakzaam.

Avertissement jaune de pluie en Belgique - Namur
From Today 08:00 (7 hours ago)
Until Tomorrow 09:00 (17 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Nous prévoyons des pluies abondantes: soit 10 à 30 l/m² en 1 heure, ou 20 à 40 l/m² en 6 heures ou 25 à 50 l/m² en 24 heures. Soyez vigilants.

Yellow warning for rain in Belgium - Namur
From Today 08:00 (7 hours ago)
Until Tomorrow 09:00 (17 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

A lot of rain is expected: 10 to 30 l/m² in 1 hour, or 20 to 40 l/m² in 6 hours, or 25 to 50 l/m² in 24 hours. Be careful.

Gelbe Warnung fur Regen in Belgien - Namür
From Today 08:00 (7 hours ago)
Until Tomorrow 09:00 (17 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Es wird viel Regen erwartet: 10 bis 30 l/m² in 1 Stunde, oder 20 bis 40 l/m² in 6 Stunden, oder 25 bis 50 l/m² in 24 Stunden. Seien Sie vorsichtig.

Last update:

Severe weather warnings are provided to meteoblue by more than 80 official agencies worldwide. meteoblue does not bear any responsibility regarding the actual content or nature of the warnings. Issues can be reported through our Feedback form and will be transmitted to the appropriate instances.

meteoMail - Warnings for 50.39°N 5.24°E

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