Yellow Fog Warning
From Today 01:00 (5 hours ago)
Until Today 09:00 (2 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

21-22.09.2024 in the middle of the night locally a fog with visibility 100-500 m has formed, it will last till the morning. BE AWARE of the fog affecting large areas, it can be very dense in certain areas! Daily outdoor activities can be affected. Transport movement on roads, as well as air traffic, can be affected. Note that road travel will take additional time. Air quality can be reduced due to fog, especially in cities.

Dzeltenais miglas brīdinājums
From Today 01:00 (5 hours ago)
Until Today 09:00 (2 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

21.-22.09.2024. nakts vidū vietām ir izveidojusies migla ar redzamību 100-500 m, kas saglabāsies līdz rītam. ESI INFORMĒTS par miglu, kas skar plašas teritorijas, atsevišķās vietās tā var būt ļoti bieza! Migla var ietekmēt ikdienas gaitu aktivitātēm, kas paredzētas ārā. Tiks traucēta transporta kustība uz ceļiem, kā arī gaisa satiksme. Ieplāno ilgāku laiku ceļam. Miglas dēļ var būt pasliktināta gaisa kvalitāte, jo sevišķi pilsētās.

Last update:

Severe weather warnings are provided to meteoblue by more than 80 official agencies worldwide. meteoblue does not bear any responsibility regarding the actual content or nature of the warnings. Issues can be reported through our Feedback form and will be transmitted to the appropriate instances.

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