From Today 18:00 (1 hour ago)
Until Tomorrow 04:00 (8 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Regenmengen von 25 bis 40 mm sind zu erwarten.


VORSICHT, kleinräumige Überschwemmungen und Probleme sind möglich. Tätigkeiten im Freien können beeinträchtigt sein. Beim Autofahren sind schlechte Sicht und Aquaplaning möglich.

From Today 18:00 (1 hour ago)
Until Tomorrow 04:00 (8 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Total rain amounts between 25 and 40 mm are expected.


BE AWARE of the potential for localised flooding of a small number of properties, with local disruption to outdoor activities. Difficult driving conditions due to reduced visibility and aquaplaning

Last update:
From Today 14:00 (5 hours ago)
Until Tomorrow 06:00 (10 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Gewitter mit Sturmböen sind zu erwarten.


VORSICHT bei Aktivitäten im Freien, Gewitter sind möglich. Achtung an exponierten Stellen, wie auf Bergen und freien Flächen sowie im Wald.

From Today 14:00 (5 hours ago)
Until Tomorrow 06:00 (10 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Thunderstorms with gusts are expected.


BE AWARE that thunderstorms may occur. Take extra care in exposed areas, like mountains, forest and open terrain. Disruption to outdoor activities is possible.

Last update:
Widespread heavy thunderstorms possible
From Today 10:00 (9 hours ago)
Until Today 23:00 (3 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

- Accessory phenomenon (possible impacts): High lightning rate (lightning strikes). Heavy rainfall (landslides on steep slopes, sudden flash flooding of streams and/or floodings) - Recommendations for action: When planning outdoor activities, consider what protections and alternative routes are available. Protect outdoor items (e.g. pot plants, garden furniture) from wind and hail and retract any awnings. - Thunderstorm type: moving thunderstorms - Peak phase of the event: Fri 17 - Fri 22

Verbreitet heftige Gewitter möglich
From Today 10:00 (9 hours ago)
Until Today 23:00 (3 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

- Begleiterscheinungen (mögliche Auswirkungen): Hohe Blitzaktivität (Blitzeinschläge). Starkregen (Rutschungen in steilen Hängen, plötzliches Auftreten von Flutwellen in Bächen und/oder Überflutungen) - Verhaltensempfehlungen: Bei geplanten Outdoor-Aktivitäten Schutzmöglichkeiten und Alternativrouten in Betracht ziehen. Gegenstände im Freien (z.B. Topfpflanzen, Gartenmöbel) vor Wind und Hagel sichern und Sonnenstoren einziehen. - Art der Gewitter: Ziehende Gewitter - Stärkste Phase des Ereignisses: Fr. 17 Uhr - Fr. 22 Uhr - Bemerkungen: Keine

Orages violents possibles
From Today 10:00 (9 hours ago)
Until Today 23:00 (3 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

- Effets (conséquences) possibles : Fréquence de foudre élevée (impacts de foudre). Précipitations intenses (glissements dans les pentes fortes, crues soudaines sur les cours d'eau et/ou inondations) - Recommandations sur le comportement à adopter : Si vous prévoyez des activités en extérieur, prévoyez des possibilités de protection et des itinéraires alternatifs. Mettez les objets extérieurs (p. ex. les pots de fleurs, les meubles de jardin) à l'abri du vent et de la grêle, et enroulez les stores. - Type d'orages : orages en mouvement - Période d'intensité maximale : ven. 17 h - ven. 22 h - Remarques : aucune

Temporali violenti estesi possibili
From Today 10:00 (9 hours ago)
Until Today 23:00 (3 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

- Fenomeni associati (possibili conseguenze): Scariche elettriche (fulmini). Piogge intense (frane lungo i pendii ripidi, Improvvise onde di piena nei torrenti e/o allagamento) - Raccomandazioni di comportamento: Nel caso di attività all'esterno già pianificate reperire possibili luoghi dove ripararsi e percorsi alternativi. Proteggere gli oggetti all'aperto (p. es. vasi di piante, mobili da giardino) da vento e grandine e chiudere le tende da sole. - Tipologia dei temporali: temporali mobili - Fase più intensa dell'evento: ven ore 17 - ven ore 22 - Osservazioni: nessuna

Lunsch enturn urizis ferms pussaivel
From Today 10:00 (9 hours ago)
Until Today 23:00 (3 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

- Fenomens secundars (Consequenzas pussaivlas): Gronda activitad da chametgs (culps da chametg). Plievgia ferma (bovas sin spundas taissas, cumparsa andetga d'undadas en auals ed/u inundaziuns) - Recumandaziuns da cumportament: En cas d'activitads en il liber previsas trair en consideraziun pussaivladads da protecziun e rutas alternativas Objects en il liber (p.ex. plantas en vaschs, mobiglias d'iert) segirar cunter vent e cunter granella e trair si las storas da sulegl. - Gener da l'urizi: urizis ambulants - Fasa la pli ferma da l'eveniment: ve 17 - ve 22

Last update:

Severe weather warnings are provided to meteoblue by more than 80 official agencies worldwide. meteoblue does not bear any responsibility regarding the actual content or nature of the warnings. Issues can be reported through our Feedback form and will be transmitted to the appropriate instances.

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