Veter - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / severozahod
From Tomorrow 05:00 (13 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 23:59 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Maksimalna hitrost vetra : od 50 do 70 km/h. Veter maje drevesa, lahko lomi manjše veje.


Priporočamo dodatno previdnost v prometu. Ne zadržujte se na potencialno nevarnih mestih.

Moderate Wind Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / North-West
From Tomorrow 05:00 (13 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 23:59 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Maximum wind speed : from 50 to 70 km/h. Wind sways trees and may break smaller branches.


Doors and windows should be kept closed. We recommend additional caution in traffic, especially in crosswinds and in exposed areas (e.g. bridges, cuttings). Do not linger in potentially dangerous areas.

Last update:

Severe weather warnings are provided to meteoblue by more than 80 official agencies worldwide. meteoblue does not bear any responsibility regarding the actual content or nature of the warnings. Issues can be reported through our Feedback form and will be transmitted to the appropriate instances.

meteoMail - Warnings for Drežniške Ravne

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