Rainstorm yellow warning [Level III/heavy] issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory
From Sunday 13:19 (15 hours ago)
Until further notice
Official warning explanations:

[rainstorm Yellow Warning Signal of Shenzhen District] It is expected that Luohu District, Yantian District, Longgang District, Pingshan District, Dapeng New Area, Dapeng Bay and Daya Bay will have frequent rainfall, and the cumulative rainfall in the next six hours will reach 50 mm or more. The rainstorm yellow warning signal will be issued by the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory at 13:15 on September 22, 2024 in the above areas, and the city will enter the rainstorm alert state. The above areas are at risk of mountain torrents. Please pay attention to the prevention of local waterlogging, mountain torrents and other disasters that may be caused by rainstorm.

From Sunday 13:19 (15 hours ago)
Until further notice
Official warning explanations:


Last update:

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