Žuto upozorenje za vjetar
From Today 20:00 (18 hours from now)
Until Today 23:59 (22 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Mjestimice jako jugo. Najjači udari vjetra 35-40 čvorova (65-75 km/h)


UTJECAJ: Iako su uobičajene i česte u ovoj regiji, očekuje se lokalno ili potencijalno opasne brzine vjetra koje uzrokuju valove rizične za manja plovila. Neiskusni pomorci, posebno oni koji upravljaju manjim brodovima, trebali bi izbjegavati plovidbu u tim uvjetima i obratiti pozornost na pomorsku prognozu te pri planiranju razmotriti vjetar i uvjete na moru. Moguće je da neki katamarani neće ploviti pa ako putujete, pratite informacije o prometu.

Yellow wind warning
From Today 20:00 (18 hours from now)
Until Today 23:59 (22 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Locally strong SE wind. Maximum wind gusts 35-40 knots (65-75 km/h)


IMPACT: Although rather usual in this region, locally or potentially dangerous wind speeds are expected to produce dangerous wave conditions to small crafts. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. It is possible that some ferry lines will not operate so follow traffic information if travelling.

Last update:
Žuto upozorenje za vjetar
From Today 20:00 (18 hours from now)
Until Today 23:59 (22 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Navečer će zapuhati jako jugo. srednja brzina vjetra > 40 km/h


BUDITE NA OPREZU zbog krhotina koje lete nošene jakim vjetrom. Mogući su lokalizirani prekidi u aktivnostima na otvorenom.

Yellow wind warning
From Today 20:00 (18 hours from now)
Until Today 23:59 (22 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Strong jugo (SE wind). average wind speed > 40 km/h


STAY ALERT for debris carried by strong winds. Debris and tree branches carried by the wind may cause localised interruptions in outdoor activities.

Last update:

Severe weather warnings are provided to meteoblue by more than 80 official agencies worldwide. meteoblue does not bear any responsibility regarding the actual content or nature of the warnings. Issues can be reported through our Feedback form and will be transmitted to the appropriate instances.

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