Žuto upozorenje za grmljavinsku oluju
From Tomorrow 00:01 (14 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 12:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Lokalno mogući izraženiji pljuskovi s grmljavinom! vjerojatnost grmljavine > 60 %


BUDITE NA OPREZU zbog mogućih jačih grmljavinskih nevremena. Posebno pripazite u izloženim područjima kao što su planine, šume i livade odnosno otvoreni tereni. Mogući su prekidi u aktivnostima na otvorenom.

Yellow thunderstorm warning
From Tomorrow 00:01 (14 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 12:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Locally thundershower possibility! lightning risk > 60 %


STAY ALERT for possible heavy thunderstorms. Be especially careful in high-exposure areas such as mountains, forests, meadows and open grounds. Interruptions in outdoor activities are possible.

Last update:
Žuto upozorenje za vjetar
From Tomorrow 00:01 (14 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 04:00 (18 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Mjestimice jak jugozapadni vjetar. Najjači udari vjetra 35-40 čvorova (65-75 km/h)


UTJECAJ: Iako su uobičajene i česte u ovoj regiji, očekuje se lokalno ili potencijalno opasne brzine vjetra koje uzrokuju valove rizične za manja plovila. Neiskusni pomorci, posebno oni koji upravljaju manjim brodovima, trebali bi izbjegavati plovidbu u tim uvjetima i obratiti pozornost na pomorsku prognozu te pri planiranju razmotriti vjetar i uvjete na moru. Moguće je da neki katamarani neće ploviti pa ako putujete, pratite informacije o prometu.

Yellow wind warning
From Tomorrow 00:01 (14 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 04:00 (18 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Locally strong SW wind. Maximum wind gusts 35-40 knots (65-75 km/h)


IMPACT: Although rather usual in this region, locally or potentially dangerous wind speeds are expected to produce dangerous wave conditions to small crafts. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. It is possible that some ferry lines will not operate so follow traffic information if travelling.

Last update:
Nevihte - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
From Tomorrow 01:00 (15 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 06:59 (21 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Možne so krajevne nevihte. Lokalno možni močnejši nalivi, piš vetra in udari strel. Hitro lahko narastejo hudourniški vodotoki.


Bodite pozorni na bližajoče se nevihtne oblake. Med nevihto se ne zadržujte na izpostavljenih mestih, počakajte na varnem mestu, nevihta običajno ne traja dolgo.

Moderate Thunderstorms Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
From Tomorrow 01:00 (15 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 06:59 (21 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Thunderstorms are possible, accompanied by local intense precipitation and gusty winds. Intense local showers with wind blasts and lightning strikes are possible. Torrential watercourses may rise quickly. Rainwater floods are possible.


Beware of approaching storm clouds. Do not linger in exposed locations, e.g. under trees or power lines. Wait in a safe place, as storms usually do not last long.

Last update:
Nevihte - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / morje
From Tomorrow 01:00 (15 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 06:59 (21 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Morje je zmerno vzvalovano do vzvalovano (3-4). Lomijo se večji valovi, veter raznaša večje deleže pene. Močno pršenje. Na kopnu veter lomi veje in lahko podira posamezna drevesa, odkriva strehe. Možne so prekinitve v oskrbi z električno energijo. Oviran je cestni, lahko tudi pomorski promet. Gibanje na prostem je zelo oteženo in nevarno.


Če ste na morju, pripravite potrebne postopke in opremo za primer hitrega poslabšanja. Če možno, ostanite na kopnem. Plovila naj bodo privezana na varnih privezih. Spremljajte meteorološka obvestila in opozorila ter informacije. Upoštevajte navodila organov Civilne zaščite in Uprave za pomorstvo.

Moderate Thunderstorms Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / Sea
From Tomorrow 01:00 (15 hours from now)
Until Tomorrow 06:59 (21 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

The sea is fairly rough to rough (3-4). Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests begin to break into spindrift. The foam is blown in well-marked streaks along the direction of the wind. At coast wind breaks branches and may fell trees, remove roofing and overturn billboards. Intermittent electricity supply is possible. Road traffic as well as maritime traffic may be impeded. Outdoor activities are severely impeded and dangerous because of flying and falling objects.


Before the event: If you are at sea, prepare the necessary procedures and equipment in case of a rapid deterioration. Stay on land if possible. Check the moorings of vessels and prepare them for stormy conditions. We recommend canceling the sea voyage. Check vessels in berths and prepare them for stormy conditions. All sailing and swimming in the sea should be cancelled. Safeguard measures should be implemented in ports, marinas, sport clubs by the coast, at bathing sites and hotel beaches. During the event: Expect difficult sailing and a special sailing regime in seaports. Do not do sports activities at sea. Swimming in the sea is not recommended. Expect a special navigation regime in sea ports. Do not engage in sports activities at sea. Swimming in the sea is not recommended. Follow meteorological updates, warnings and informations. Follow the instructions of the Civil Protection and Maritime Administration bodies.

Last update:

Severe weather warnings are provided to meteoblue by more than 80 official agencies worldwide. meteoblue does not bear any responsibility regarding the actual content or nature of the warnings. Issues can be reported through our Feedback form and will be transmitted to the appropriate instances.

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