Nevihte - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / severozahod
From Tomorrow 17:00 (1 day from now)
Until Thursday 19:59 (2 days from now)
Official warning explanations:

Možne so krajevne nevihte. Lokalno možni močnejši nalivi, piš vetra in udari strel. Hitro lahko narastejo hudourniški vodotoki.


Bodite pozorni na bližajoče se nevihtne oblake. Med nevihto se ne zadržujte na izpostavljenih mestih, počakajte na varnem mestu, nevihta običajno ne traja dolgo.

Moderate Thunderstorms Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / North-West
From Tomorrow 17:00 (1 day from now)
Until Thursday 19:59 (2 days from now)
Official warning explanations:

Thunderstorms are possible, accompanied by local intense precipitation and gusty winds. Intense local showers with wind blasts and lightning strikes are possible. Torrential watercourses may rise quickly. Rainwater floods are possible.


Beware of approaching storm clouds. Do not linger in exposed locations, e.g. under trees or power lines. Wait in a safe place, as storms usually do not last long.

Last update:
Snežni plazovi - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / severozahod
From Today 11:00 (1 hour from now)
Until Today 23:59 (14 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Na posameznih, dovolj strmih pobočjih je snežna odeja samo zmerno stabilna, drugod sorazmerno stabilna. Splošna nevarnost snežnih plazov - ZNATNA - (po evropski 5-stopenjski lestvici nevarnosti proženja snežnih plazov) STOPNJA : 3 °. Verjetnost proženja snežnih plazov je predvsem pri večjih dodatnih obremenitvah in na pobočjih, ki so v Poročilu o snežnih razmerah posebej izpostavljena. Obsežnejši spontani plazovi so manj verjetni.


Ob upoštevanju previdnosti in poznavanju lokalno bolj izpostavljenih območij so razmere na splošno še dovolj varne. Opozorila upoštevajte predvsem na večjih strminah in na območjih, ki so v Poročilu o snežnih razmerah še posebej izpostavljena.

Moderate Snow Avalanches Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / North-West
From Today 11:00 (1 hour from now)
Until Today 23:59 (14 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

The snowpack is only moderately well bonded on some steep slopes, otherwise well bonded in general. Snow avalanche risk level - MEDIUM - (according to 5 levels of the European avalanche risk table) LEVEL : 3 °. Triggering is possible with high additional loads, particularly on the steep slopes indicated in the bulletin. Large natural avalanches not likely.


Heightened avalanche conditions on specific terrain features. Evaluate snow and terrain carefully; identify features of concern.

Last update:

Severe weather warnings are provided to meteoblue by more than 80 official agencies worldwide. meteoblue does not bear any responsibility regarding the actual content or nature of the warnings. Issues can be reported through our Feedback form and will be transmitted to the appropriate instances.

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