Yongdeng County Meteorological Observatory issues yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds
From Sunday 17:03 (1 day ago)
Until further notice
Official warning explanations:

At 17:03 on September 22, 2024, Yongdeng County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds: it is expected that within 6 hours, Liushu Town, Chengguan Town, Zhongbao Town, Wushengyi Town, Heqiao Town, Liancheng Town, Datong Town, Longquansi Town, Minle Township, Tongyuan Town, Qishan Township, and Pingcheng Township in our county will be affected by thunderstorms and strong winds, with an average wind speed of 4-5 levels, gusts of 7 levels or above, and accompanied by showers or thunderstorms. Please take precautions!


1. Safely store valuable electrical equipment that is susceptible to lightning strikes, and place them in a safe place after power outages; 2. Residents in dangerous areas and dangerous buildings, as well as ships, should go to sheltered places to avoid wind. Do not shelter from rain under trees, poles, or tower cranes. When lightning strikes, turn off your mobile phone; 3. Stop outdoor collective activities and evacuate personnel immediately; 4. Outdoor workers working at heights or on water should stop their work, and personnel in dangerous areas should evacuate.

From Sunday 17:03 (1 day ago)
Until further notice
Official warning explanations:



1.妥善保管易受雷击的贵重电器设备,断电后放到安全的地方; 2.危险地带和危房居民,以及船舶应到避风场所避风,千万不要在树下、电杆下、塔吊下避雨,出现雷电时应当关闭手机; 3.停止露天集体活动,立即疏散人员; 4.高空、水上等户外作业人员停止作业,危险地带人员撤离。

Last update:

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