Nansha District Meteorological Observatory issues a white typhoon warning [V level/general]
De Jeudi 18:14 (il y a 10 heures)
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Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

The monsoon disturbance cloud cluster located in the northern sea of the South China Sea has strengthened into a tropical depression at 17:00 on the 30th. Its center is about 590 kilometers southwest of our region, with a maximum wind force of 7 levels (15 meters/second) near the center. It is expected to move northward at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour, with gradually increasing intensity. Affected by it, it is expected that the wind and rain in our district will become obvious in the afternoon of the 31st. There will be heavy rain to rainstorm from the 31st to the 1st of June. The gust in the port area can reach level 7-8. At 18:14, the white typhoon warning signal in Nansha District came into effect. It is necessary to prevent the adverse effects of strong winds and heavy rainfall on urban operations, ports and docks, construction sites, high-altitude operations, and water transportation. Released by Nansha District Meteorological Observatory on May 30th

De Jeudi 18:14 (il y a 10 heures)
Jusqu'à nouvel ordre
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:


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