MultiModel Meteogram Improvements

Our most attentive users have certainly already noticed that we re-designed our MultiModel meteogram.

The next meteogram update is live: Our MultiModel meteogram now has a new design, and also features some changes.

Here is an overview of the latest improvements:

Thinner lines for temperature and wind speed to better distinguish the individual forecasts of the different weather models. You can also select the models of interest and analyse them one by one using the model selection under the meteogram.

Smaller and thinner weather icons: The third part of the meteogram shows the weather conditions as pictograms, which we made more readable.

Model agreement analysis for precipitation: The precipitation chart was changed by showing the precipitation frequency forecast by the different forecast models. The darker the bar, the more models predict the indicated precipitation sum (shown on the y-axis). The light blue precipitation bars (red highlight in the image) show precipitation sums only predicted by one model. On the other hand, the dark blue precipitation bars (highlighted with the blue box in the image) show that 90% of all models predict a precipitation volume of 0.2mm for the indicated time frame.

We recommend using the model selection to see the precipitation sums of single models. You can select up to 5 models and see the sums individually in the chart for each model. If you test different models repeatedly in your location, you may be able to find which model is the most accurate: this is only possible by comparing each location separately, because precipitation can vary substantially within few kilometers distance.

We hope these improvements help in better understanding of the MultiModel, as well as weather developments in the most general sense, and appreciate any feedback.

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