Meteogram Updates - Your opinion matters

We are currently re-designing our meteograms and we want your opinion. Help us to finalize the new version by participating in our survey.

We recently reported that we improved the forecast data calculation chain. In addition, we also re-programmed our meteograms, introducing state-of-the-art technology and visualisation improvements. Besides those background improvements, you have probably already noticed the new design in some meteograms.

Based on our users' feedback, some suggestions came up, and we want to receive your opinion. We prepared a survey with 2 questions, where you can vote for your preferred design. You can also add other suggestions for improvement.

The survey is anonymous and takes maximum 2 minutes to complete. It will close by Friday, 2023-12-01. The selected versions will then be implemented and launched soon.

You can participate here:

We appreciate your help and your feedback on our latest developments.

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