New wind watch and weather anomaly

New wind watch and weather anomaly

Besides the lately introduced weather warnings, we have also added a wind watch and temperature anomaly map to our website start page to better detect extreme weather events.

Satellite map history - worldwide and unique

Satellite map history - worldwide and unique

meteoblue launches historical satellite cloud maps since 2020 - worldwide and in highest available precision - the first of its kind worldwide.

Highest resolution global model - UKMO 10 km

Highest resolution global model - UKMO 10 km

Our Weather model selection now includes UKMO-10 worldwide and UKMO-2 for NW-Europe. This increases our model range to 8 worldwide and to 20 weather models in the EU - an unique selection not yet publicly available anywhere else.

Free website widget has more maps

Free website widget has more maps

We have extended our free website maps widget by adding temperature, sunshine hours and extreme forecast maps.

history+ for the future: Climate prediction

history+ for the future: Climate prediction

We have developed a new tool to access complex climate predictions in an easy-to-use way. These predictions are now available through our history+ interface.

Weather Maps innovations - better than ever

Weather Maps innovations - better than ever

Aviation maps and cross sections are now migrated to our Weather Maps. We will therefore stop supporting our legacy maps at the end of May 2022.

meteoblue hiking day

meteoblue hiking day

After a long time in the home office, we finally found the opportunity to meet again.

Website darkmode is back

Website darkmode is back

We are happy to announce that the meteoblue website now is again available in dark color scheme.

Looking for Android App Beta Testers

Looking for Android App Beta Testers

The meteoblue Android App will receive further improvements in the next months: we are therefore looking for new beta testers.

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