point+ for schools

point+ for schools

Our weather data has a wide range of applications. Some schools use meteoblue weather data to plan activities and educate pupils.

Heavy rain and flooding in South Africa

Heavy rain and flooding in South Africa

Over the last weekend, South Africa and large parts of East Africa experienced unusually heavy rainfall, leading to the declaration of a state of emergency in some provinces.

Cyclone in New Zealand

Cyclone in New Zealand

A state of emergency was declared in New Zealand today. Cyclone Gabrielle is currently raging over New Zealand.

Weather review 2022

Weather review 2022

In 2022, there has been a lot going on in meteorological perspective. Special weather events can be analysed with various meteoblue tools. We have summarised some meteorological highlights in 2022 for you with the help of our tools.

Rainy season in Madagascar

Rainy season in Madagascar

Heavy rainfalls are widespread in Madagascar currently since it is the rainy season.

Heavy rainfalls in New Zealand

Heavy rainfalls in New Zealand

During the last few days, New Zealand experienced heavy rainfall. This led to local flooding, causing roads and houses to be inundated.

How is meteoblue weather used for rescuing fawns?

How is meteoblue weather used for rescuing fawns?

Preparation is key! This phrase can be applied to many areas of life, but it is especially true for one of our users. In roe deer fawn rescue, good preparation is essential. In 2010, members started rescuing roe deer fawns before founding the official association “Rehkitzrettung Schweiz” in 2017.

Storm with heavy rainfalls in California

Storm with heavy rainfalls in California

The US West Coast is experiencing heavy rains. Currently, the sun is not shining in the US state of California. Instead, heavy rain is falling in the "sunshine state". A storm moves across California, causing rain masses flood entire streets locally.

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