Global location search

meteoblue location search is now truly global: when you type a name into our location search, you wi...

New maps

Spain and Portugal, France, Italy and Austria are now bigger - our weather maps now cover these enti...

Weather history - new archive

meteoblue opens the weather history, an archive of 5 years of weather data for every place in the wo...

meteoblue @ Gordon Bennett 2013

meteoblue is supporting TEAM Swiss-02 at the prestigious Gordon Bennett 2013 gas balloon race. ...


We have enhanced our precipitation radar map by adding lightning strikes, based on precision data pr...

New weather icons

Have you already noticed our new weather icons? With the new icons we want to present the weather c...


We now display the estimated certainty in our 7 day forecast as coloured bar, to indicate possible u...

Spring 2013

As parts of Europe are still waiting for spring, you can see the coming weather with the meteogram 1...

Weather on Easter 2013

Dear Users, thanks for your support and your and messages! You can check how "normal" the weather wi...

News March 2013

Dear Users, we now compute high resolution weather forecasts for India and New Zealand. In additi...

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