Hohhot Meteorological Observatory issues yellow lightning warning [Level III/Heavy]
Da Oggi 14:48 (53 minuti fa)
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Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

At 14:46 on September 24, 2024, the Hohhot Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal: lightning activity will occur in Hohhot within 6 hours, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, strong winds and other severe convective weather in some areas. Please prepare relevant units and personnel for prevention.


1. The government and relevant departments shall carry out lightning protection work in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Pay close attention to the weather and try to avoid outdoor activities as much as possible.

Da Oggi 14:48 (53 minuti fa)
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Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好防雷工作; 2.密切关注天气,尽量避免户外活动。

Ultimo aggiornamento:
Saihan District Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning [Level III/Heavy]
Da Oggi 15:13 (27 minuti fa)
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Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

At 15:12 on September 24, 2024, the Saihan District Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal: lightning activity will occur in Saihan District within 6 hours, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, strong winds and other severe convective weather in some areas. Relevant units and personnel are requested to be prepared for prevention.


1. The government and relevant departments shall carry out lightning protection work in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Pay close attention to the weather and try to avoid outdoor activities as much as possible.

Da Oggi 15:13 (27 minuti fa)
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Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好防雷工作; 2.密切关注天气,尽量避免户外活动。

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