Changhai County Meteorological Bureau issues a blue warning for strong winds [Level IV/General]
Da Mercoledì 16:06 (14 ore fa)
Fino a Oggi 16:06 (tra 9 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

At 16:05 on June 12, 2024, the Changhai County Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for strong winds: it is expected that from the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, the southerly winds in various towns of Changhai County will reach level 6 and gusts will reach level 7. On the afternoon of the 13th, the southerly winds will increase to level 6 and gusts will reach levels 7 to 8. Relevant departments are requested to do a good job in preventing strong winds. Beware of falling objects from high altitude, pay attention to travel and work safety.


Please prepare relevant units and personnel for prevention.

Da Mercoledì 16:06 (14 ore fa)
Fino a Oggi 16:06 (tra 9 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:




Ultimo aggiornamento:
Da Mercoledì 07:27 (23 ore fa)
Fino a nuovo avviso
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

2024-06-12 08:26:49 전북 부안군 남남서쪽 4km 지역 규모 4.7 지진발생


위 정보는 이동속도가 빠른 지진파(P파)만을 이용하여 자동 추정한 정보임. 수동으로 분석한 정보는 지진정보로 추가 발표할 예정임

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Lingua: ko-KR

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