Yining Meteorological Observatory issues orange hail warning [Level II/Severe]
Da Lunedì 19:08 (1 giorno fa)
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At 19:06 on September 23, 2024, the Yining Meteorological Observatory issued an orange hail warning signal: Currently, a strong convective cloud cluster has appeared in Su Almaty Village, and it is expected that hail weather will occur in the next 6 hours, which will affect Bayandai Town, Dadamutu Town, Panjin Town and other areas in the northern part of Yining City. During this period, there may be strong convective weather such as lightning, short-term heavy precipitation, and thunderstorm winds of level 8 or above, which may cause local hail disasters and geological disasters such as floods, landslides, and mudslides. Attention should be paid to prevention.

Da Lunedì 19:08 (1 giorno fa)
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伊宁市气象台2024年9月23日19时6分发布冰雹橙色预警信号:目前,苏阿拉木图村已出现强对流云团,预计未来6小时内将出现冰雹天气,即将影响伊宁市北部巴彦岱镇、达达木图镇、潘津镇等地 ,期间可能出现雷电、短时强降水、8级及以上雷暴大风等强对流天气,可能造成局地雹灾和洪水、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害,注意防范。

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Yining Meteorological Observatory issues yellow lightning warning [Level III/Heavy]
Da Lunedì 18:34 (1 giorno fa)
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At 18:28 on September 23, 2024, the Yining Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for lightning: Currently, a strong convective cloud cluster has appeared in the northern part of Bayandai Town, Yining City. It is expected that there will be lightning weather from this afternoon to night, which may cause lightning disasters. During this period, there may be short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorm winds of level 8 or above, hail and other strong convective weather. Please pay attention to prevention.

Da Lunedì 18:34 (1 giorno fa)
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Yining County Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning [Level III/Heavy]
Da Lunedì 18:44 (1 giorno fa)
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At 18:43 on September 23, 2024, the Yining County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for lightning: it is expected that there will be lightning weather in some areas of Yining County from the evening to the night of September 23, which may cause lightning disasters. Local areas are prone to short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms of level 8 or above, strong winds, hail and other strong convective weather, which can easily cause geological disasters such as floods, mudslides, and landslides in mountainous areas. Attention should be paid to prevention.

Da Lunedì 18:44 (1 giorno fa)
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Yining County Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning [Level III/Heavy]
Da Martedì 17:05 (19 ore fa)
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At 17:02 on September 24, 2024, the Yining County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal: it is expected that there will be lightning weather in some areas of the northern mountainous areas of Yining County from the evening to the night of the 24th, which may cause lightning disasters. Local areas are prone to short-term heavy rainfall, hail and other strong convective weather, which may easily cause geological disasters such as floods, mudslides, landslides, etc. in mountainous areas. Attention should be paid to prevention.

Da Martedì 17:05 (19 ore fa)
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Yining County Meteorological Observatory issues orange hail warning [Level II/Severe]
Da Lunedì 19:16 (1 giorno fa)
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At 19:14 on September 23, 2024, the Yining County Meteorological Observatory issued an orange hail warning signal: it is expected that hail weather may occur in some areas along the mountain in the northern part of Yining County (including Kalayagaqi Township, Wugong Township, Quluhai Township, Awulia Township, and Mazha Township) within the next 2 hours, and may cause hail disasters. Attention should be paid to prevention.

Da Lunedì 19:16 (1 giorno fa)
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