Rongchang District Meteorological Observatory issues a blue warning for strong winds [Level IV/General]
Da Venerdì 14:27 (14 ore fa)
Fino a Oggi 14:27 (tra 9 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

At 14:24 on September 20, 2024, the Rongchang District Meteorological Observatory issued a "blue warning signal for strong winds". It is expected that from 14:30 to 18:30 on the 20th, 14 towns and streets including Changyuan Street, Changzhou Street, Fenggao Street, Guchang Town, Guansheng Town, Hebao Town, Panlong Town, Qingliu Town, Renyi Town, Tonggu Town, Wanling Town, Wujia Town, Yuanjue Town, and Zhisheng Town may be affected by strong winds, with gusts of up to level 7 or above, and accompanied by thunderstorms and strong convective weather.

Da Venerdì 14:27 (14 ore fa)
Fino a Oggi 14:27 (tra 9 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:


Ultimo aggiornamento:
Rongchang District Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for strong winds [Level III/Severe]
Da Venerdì 15:29 (13 ore fa)
Fino a Oggi 15:29 (tra 10 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

At 15:29 on September 20, 2024, the Rongchang District Meteorological Observatory upgraded and issued a "yellow warning signal for strong winds". Wind gusts of level 10 have appeared in Wanling Town, our district and will continue. It is expected that from 15:30 to 19:00 on the 20th, two towns including Qingliu Town and Yuanjue Town may be affected by strong winds, with gusts of up to level 9 or above.

Da Venerdì 15:29 (13 ore fa)
Fino a Oggi 15:29 (tra 10 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:


Ultimo aggiornamento:

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