Wenchuan County Meteorological Observatory issues yellow lightning warning signal [Level III/Heavy]
Da Venerdì 17:03 (14 ore fa)
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At 17:03 on September 20, 2024, the Wenchuan County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for lightning: Weizhou Town, Yingxiu Town, Wolong Town, Shuimo Town, Xuankou Town, Sanjiang Town, Gengda Town, Mianqian Town, and Bazhou Town may experience lightning activity within 6 hours, which may cause lightning disasters and accidents. The process may be accompanied by severe convective weather such as hail, gusts of strong winds, and short-term heavy precipitation. Relevant departments should take lightning protection measures and avoid outdoor activities.


1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in lightning protection work; 2. Pay close attention to weather changes and avoid outdoor activities; 3. Outdoor collective activities and high-altitude dangerous outdoor operations can be suspended; 4. Cut off the dangerous power supply, stay away from metal doors and windows, do not use umbrellas in open areas, do not stay or avoid under trees, poles, tower cranes, mountaintops, water or open areas, and do not hold metal objects upside down in your hands or carry them on your shoulders.

Da Venerdì 17:03 (14 ore fa)
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1.政府及有关部门做好防雷工作; 2.密切关注天气变化,避免户外活动; 3.可以暂停露天集体活动和高空等户外危险作业; 4.切断危险电源,远离金属门窗,在空旷场地不要打伞,不要在树下、电杆下、塔吊下、山顶、水边或空旷地带停留或者躲避,不要将金属物品朝天握在手中或者扛在肩上。

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