Dulan County Meteorological Station Releases rainstorm Blue Warning Signal
Da Oggi 09:30 (11 ore fa)
Fino a Domani 09:30 (tra 12 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

At 09:30 on June 20, the weather station of Dulan County issued a blue warning signal for rainstorm: it is expected that rainstorm will occur in Ha Town and Xiangjia Township in summer from 09:30 on June 20 to 21:30 on June 20, which may lead to floods, landslides, debris flows, urban waterlogging and other disasters. Relevant units and personnel are advised to take precautions. Defense guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments should make preparations for rainstorm prevention according to their responsibilities; 2. Schools and kindergartens in hazardous areas shall take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and young children; 3. Drivers should pay attention to road waterlogging and traffic congestion to ensure driving safety; 4. Pedestrians should not take shelter or stay under tall buildings or billboards to avoid being injured by falling objects.

Da Oggi 09:30 (11 ore fa)
Fino a Domani 09:30 (tra 12 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:


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Dulan County Meteorological Observatory changes the blue warning signal of rainstorm
Da Oggi 10:49 (10 ore fa)
Fino a Domani 10:49 (tra 13 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

At 10:50 on June 20, 2024, the weather station of Dulan County upgraded the blue early warning signal of rainstorm to the yellow early warning signal of rainstorm: it is estimated that from 10:50 on June 20 to 16:50 on June 20, rainstorm to heavy rainstorm will occur in Yingde Reservoir in Chahanwusu Town, which is likely to cause floods, landslides, debris flows, urban waterlogging and other disasters. Please prepare for it. Defense guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in preventing rainstorm according to their responsibilities; 2. The public security traffic management department shall take traffic control measures on heavy rainfall sections based on road conditions; 3. Take protective measures in primary, secondary, and kindergarten to ensure the safety of students and young children; 4. Transfer materials from low-lying and easily flooded areas, and cut off hazardous outdoor power sources in low-lying areas.

Da Oggi 10:49 (10 ore fa)
Fino a Domani 10:49 (tra 13 ore)
Spiegazioni degli avvisi ufficiali:

都兰县气象台2024年6月20日10时50分将暴雨蓝色预警信号升级为暴雨黄色预警信号:预计6月20日10时50分至6月20日16时50分,察汗乌苏镇英德尔水库将出现暴雨到大暴雨,引发洪涝、滑坡、泥石流、城市内涝等灾害的可能性较大,请有关单位和人员做好防范准备。 防御指南:1.政府及有关部门按照职责做好防暴雨工作;2.公安交管部门根据路况,在强降雨路段采取交通管制措施;3.中小学、幼儿园采取防护措施,确保学生、幼儿安全;4.转移低洼易浸地区物资,切断低洼地带有危险的室外电源。

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